Fitness Distilled

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The newest studies, trick and tips, and what I’ve learned lately

Learning To Squat (The Right Way)

May 2nd, 2016

One of the worst mistakes you can make as a trainer is to train your clients the same as you do yourself. It’s impossible to remove all the bias you have—after all, you want to pass on the stuff that worked for you because… well… it worked for you—but you need to remember that not […]

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Live and Breathe Strength

February 22nd, 2016

OK, I know I haven’t written a post in a while, and every time I don’t, I have an excuse. It’s usually one of the following:   A) I was out with a chick. (This doesn’t happen nearly often enough so you have to understand why I prioritize the times when it does.)   B) […]

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Sticking To New Year’s Resolutions

January 28th, 2016

If you live in, or have ever watched TV in the New York metro area, you know that the staff of Fox 5 Good Day New York takes its training very seriously. Weatherman Mike Woods, anchor Greg Kelly, and sports anchor Duke Castiglione are all in fantastic shape and are fierce in the gym, and […]

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Does Your Workout Suck?

January 24th, 2016

I write a page for Muscle&Fitness every month called “Rate My Workout.” People submit their workouts to the magazine for review and I tell them what I think, or at least as much as I can in a short space.   Inspired by that page, a gentleman recently reached out to me by email and […]

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Studies That May Surprise You, Vol. 4

January 3rd, 2016

Happy New Year! Here’s some of the latest, greatest research out there that I found interesting and think you can use.   Cluster F@cks Traditional Lifting                               First, a little primer on rest-pause training in case you’re not familiar.   Rest-pause […]

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